New Update for Among Us Is Available
- 15 Nov, 2021

The new patch of updates released on Among Us offers players a store, more interesting roles, and a wide range of achievements. Now it is available for everyone. On Tuesday, Among Us released the new packages with lots of presents inside. You may still watch the presentation of updates made as a project presentation from a crew who turned out to be impostors. If you want to clap as energetically as the audience during the presentation you have to enter the game.
There are new roles the crewmates can try, more achievements, new cosmetics, and lots of Cosmicubes. The store that Among Us offers contains an impressive number of funny hats and skins. There are also different visors, bundles with the cosmetics you want, and panels with your name. You may buy a pet there for yourself as well. You can unlock the items using the beans you receive as an award in the game. If you lack them, you can buy goods for real money.
As for the Cosmicubes, they can provide you with the cosmetics you want. You can try getting them free of charge options or paying for them. Cosmicubes can be bought with the stars or beans. Yet, you can unlock them if you earn the pods during the game. Consider them as a reward for finishing the round.
There are new roles you will definitely appreciate. Just check out the Shapeshifter that can turn into any crewmate. There is a classic set of roles as well, including Scientist and Engineer. Engineer is quite good with vents and can easily travel there when they need to sabotage something. This is a perfect role for an Impostor. On the other hand, Scientists may help you to track Impostor by checking the vitals of crews. Guardian Angel is the role that may help you to finish your business even after your death. You may save your friends from Impostors.
Have you already tried the new role? Who is your favorite? You can share your thoughts in the comments.