Navigating the Challenges: Game Developers' Struggles with Apple Arcade Collaboration
- 03 Aug, 2024

In the recent environment of game development, numerous developers have shared their tumultuous experiences working with Apple Arcade. These developers have described a variety of challenges that make their collaboration with Apple increasingly difficult and frustrating.
According to a recent report by, several developers have highlighted the significant communication issues they face while working with Apple Arcade. The developers reveal that there's often a long wait for any sort of communication from Apple, sometimes stretching out to several weeks. When responses finally do come, they are either vague or unhelpful. This lack of communication severely hampers the ability to ask essential questions relating to product, technical, and commercial matters. Furthermore, when meetings are scheduled, many Apple team members fail to show up, and those who do attend are often unable to provide meaningful answers due to their lack of knowledge or constraints imposed by confidentiality.
Another major concern for developers is the lack of support in marketing their games. Many feel that no matter what efforts they put into enhancing their games, Apple doesn't feature them, leaving these developers feeling invisible. This issue is particularly troubling for game studios that have accepted funding in exchange for exclusivity but find it incredibly challenging to attract enough players to their games.
Beyond these challenges, submitting updates has become an arduous process for the developers involved. The pain of navigating the submission system is so intense that some developers have started avoiding it altogether, adding another layer of frustration to their already complicated relationship with Apple.
In conclusion, developers liken their collaboration with Apple Arcade to a difficult relationship where one continues to hope for positive changes that never seem to materialize. This sentiment encapsulates the feelings of many within the gaming community who strive to see their hard work recognized and played by a broader audience, despite the numerous hurdles they face.